It has all of the necessary features torrent users seek. IPVanish is a safe and secure VPN provider.
Put in your username and password, then click apply and OK to restart uTorrent.Under Proxy Server and Proxy privacy, check all of the boxes and use proxy for hostname lookups.For the recommended setting for IPVanish’s proxy in uTorrent, enter the type Socks5 proxy: ams,, port 1080, and use Proxy for peer connections.You can find it in the Host Names list that came up when you selected SOCKS5 proxy in step 3. Enter the preferred IPVanish SOCKS5 address next to the proxies.Unmark all of the boxes under Listening Port.Click on Options, then click on Preferences, and select Connection from the drop-down menu.

SOCKS5 proxy is super flexible, it supports BitTorrent traffic and the typical HTTP web traffic.
The SOCKS5 proxy is a great feature for torrent users looking for an incredibly fast download speed for torrent activity.